An authentic south indian dish made with brown rice which provides satiety due to its high fiber content and is much more healthier than simply white rice as it is a whole grain. Not only does it contain naturally healthy oils, nutrients such as selenium and manganese, phosphorus. By adding lemon which aids in vitamin C helps in iron absorption and is excellent for the skin.
An authentic south indian dish made with brown rice which provides satiety due to its high fiber content and is much more healthier than simply white rice as it is a whole grain. Not only does it contain naturally healthy oils, nutrients such as selenium and manganese, phosphorus. By adding lemon which aids in vitamin C helps in iron absorption and is excellent for the skin.
Energy 88 (kcal), Protein 3 (g), Carbohydrate 25 (g), fat 3 (g).
An authentic south indian dish made with brown rice which provides satiety due to its high fiber content and is much more healthier than simply white rice as it is a whole grain. Not only does it contain naturally healthy oils, nutrients such as selenium and manganese, phosphorus. By adding lemon which aids in vitamin C helps in iron absorption and is excellent for the skin.
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Lemon Rice (easy To Prepare) - BY KHYATI RUPANI