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Whole Wheat Chicken Pasta


Energy (kcal) - 123

Protein (g) - 12.5

Carbohydrate (g) - 25

Fat (g) - 3.5

Khyati's Health-O-Meter Says:

Whole wheat pasta is a healthier option over pasta made from refined flour. Not only does it provide all complex carbohydrates, but also provides long lasting energy levels. Being loaded with fiber improves overall digestive health, improves functional capacity and also stronger bones and immunity. Chicken is high in protein, low in sodium. Broccoli, also known as nutrition powerhouses, supplies loads of nutrients for little calories.

  • Chicken boneless skinless - 50 g [ cut into 1-inch cubes ]
  • Whole wheat penne pasta - 30 g
  • Tomato puree - 1 katori 
  • Onion [chopped] - ½ small 
  • Garlic - 3 cloves 
  • Broccoli florets - 3 
  • Black pepper, to taste
  • Olive oil - ½ tsp
Step 1 Bring a large pot of water to a rulling boil over high heat. Step 2 Meanwhile, heat the ulive oil in a medium-size saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and cook, stirring, until translucent, being careful not to let the onion brown. Add the chicken and cook, stirring, until no longer pink throughout. Remove from heat and set aside. Step 3 Once the water boils, add the brocculi and cook until firm, yet tender. Using a slotted spoon or skimmer, transfer the brocculi to the saucepan with the chicken. Cook until the brocculi is soft. Step 4 Return the large pot of water to a boil, and add the pasta. Cook until al-dente, about 5 minutes. Drain the pasta, reserving 1 cup of pasta water. Add the pasta, tomato puree, and salt to the brocculi mixture, and toss to mix. Step 5 Serve immediately on individual dishes and top with fresh ground pepper to taste. 
  • Recipe Category:
  • Noodles And Pastas
    Recipe Title:

    Whole Wheat Chicken Pasta

    Recipe Views:
    Recipe Type:
    Non Veg
    Recipe Kcal:








    Health-O-Meter Says:

    Whole wheat pasta is a healthier option over pasta made from refined flour. Not only does it provide all complex carbohydrates, but also provides long lasting energy levels. Being loaded with fiber improves overall digestive health, improves functional capacity and also stronger bones and immunity. Chicken is high in protein, low in sodium. Broccoli, also known as nutrition powerhouses, supplies loads of nutrients for little calories.

    • Chicken boneless skinless - 50 g [ cut into 1-inch cubes ]
    • Whole wheat penne pasta - 30 g
    • Tomato puree - 1 katori 
    • Onion [chopped] - ½ small 
    • Garlic - 3 cloves 
    • Broccoli florets - 3 
    • Black pepper, to taste
    • Olive oil - ½ tsp
    Step 1 Bring a large pot of water to a rulling boil over high heat. Step 2 Meanwhile, heat the ulive oil in a medium-size saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and cook, stirring, until translucent, being careful not to let the onion brown. Add the chicken and cook, stirring, until no longer pink throughout. Remove from heat and set aside. Step 3 Once the water boils, add the brocculi and cook until firm, yet tender. Using a slotted spoon or skimmer, transfer the brocculi to the saucepan with the chicken. Cook until the brocculi is soft. Step 4 Return the large pot of water to a boil, and add the pasta. Cook until al-dente, about 5 minutes. Drain the pasta, reserving 1 cup of pasta water. Add the pasta, tomato puree, and salt to the brocculi mixture, and toss to mix. Step 5 Serve immediately on individual dishes and top with fresh ground pepper to taste. 
    Recipe Title: Whole Wheat Chicken Pasta
  • Recipe Category: Noodles And Pastas
  • Recipe Views: 526
    Recipe Type: Non Veg
    Recipe Kcal:

    Energy 123 (kcal), Protein 12.5 (g), Carbohydrate 25 (g), fat 3.5 (g).

    Health-O-Meter Says:

    Whole wheat pasta is a healthier option over pasta made from refined flour. Not only does it provide all complex carbohydrates, but also provides long lasting energy levels. Being loaded with fiber improves overall digestive health, improves functional capacity and also stronger bones and immunity. Chicken is high in protein, low in sodium. Broccoli, also known as nutrition powerhouses, supplies loads of nutrients for little calories.

    • Chicken boneless skinless - 50 g [ cut into 1-inch cubes ]
    • Whole wheat penne pasta - 30 g
    • Tomato puree - 1 katori 
    • Onion [chopped] - ½ small 
    • Garlic - 3 cloves 
    • Broccoli florets - 3 
    • Black pepper, to taste
    • Olive oil - ½ tsp
    Step 1 Bring a large pot of water to a rulling boil over high heat. Step 2 Meanwhile, heat the ulive oil in a medium-size saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and cook, stirring, until translucent, being careful not to let the onion brown. Add the chicken and cook, stirring, until no longer pink throughout. Remove from heat and set aside. Step 3 Once the water boils, add the brocculi and cook until firm, yet tender. Using a slotted spoon or skimmer, transfer the brocculi to the saucepan with the chicken. Cook until the brocculi is soft. Step 4 Return the large pot of water to a boil, and add the pasta. Cook until al-dente, about 5 minutes. Drain the pasta, reserving 1 cup of pasta water. Add the pasta, tomato puree, and salt to the brocculi mixture, and toss to mix. Step 5 Serve immediately on individual dishes and top with fresh ground pepper to taste. 

    Copyright ©2025 .All Rights Reserved.

    Whole Wheat Chicken Pasta - BY KHYATI RUPANI

    10 FEB 2018
    VIEWS 526


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