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Strawberry And Kiwi Infused Water


Energy (kcal) - 25

Protein (g) - 0

Carbohydrate (g) - 6

Fat (g) - 0

Khyati's Health-O-Meter Says:

You'll enjoy the benefits of staying hydrated, like maintaining the right body temperature, helping your cardiovascular system, and assisting in the cleansing of toxins, & adding to the benefit it's also a source of essential vitamins & minerals.

  • Green tea - 2 bags
  • Strawberry [sliced] - 4 or 5 nos.
  • Kiwi [sliced] - ½ medium size
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Ice cubes
Step 1 Soak the green tea bags in hot water for five minutes, discard green tea bags and let it coul. Step 2 Slice your kiwi in half and peel the half you're using. Step 3 Thinly slice your strawberry and peeled kiwi. Step 4 Add slices to your jug/carafe/mason jar, whatever you'd like to keep your infused water in. Step 5 Fill the container with water, cover, and leave in the fridge overnight. In the morning, your water will be nice and tasty! Step 6 Note: If no Strawberry is available, no problem, go ahead with the Kiwi.
Recipe Category:
Healthy Drinks
Recipe Title:

Strawberry And Kiwi Infused Water

Recipe Views:
Recipe Type:
Recipe Kcal:








Health-O-Meter Says:

You'll enjoy the benefits of staying hydrated, like maintaining the right body temperature, helping your cardiovascular system, and assisting in the cleansing of toxins, & adding to the benefit it's also a source of essential vitamins & minerals.

  • Green tea - 2 bags
  • Strawberry [sliced] - 4 or 5 nos.
  • Kiwi [sliced] - ½ medium size
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Ice cubes
Step 1 Soak the green tea bags in hot water for five minutes, discard green tea bags and let it coul. Step 2 Slice your kiwi in half and peel the half you're using. Step 3 Thinly slice your strawberry and peeled kiwi. Step 4 Add slices to your jug/carafe/mason jar, whatever you'd like to keep your infused water in. Step 5 Fill the container with water, cover, and leave in the fridge overnight. In the morning, your water will be nice and tasty! Step 6 Note: If no Strawberry is available, no problem, go ahead with the Kiwi.
Recipe Title: Strawberry And Kiwi Infused Water
Recipe Category: Healthy Drinks
Recipe Views: 468
Recipe Type: Veg
Recipe Kcal:

Energy 25 (kcal), Protein 0 (g), Carbohydrate 6 (g), fat 0 (g).

Health-O-Meter Says:

You'll enjoy the benefits of staying hydrated, like maintaining the right body temperature, helping your cardiovascular system, and assisting in the cleansing of toxins, & adding to the benefit it's also a source of essential vitamins & minerals.

  • Green tea - 2 bags
  • Strawberry [sliced] - 4 or 5 nos.
  • Kiwi [sliced] - ½ medium size
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Ice cubes
Step 1 Soak the green tea bags in hot water for five minutes, discard green tea bags and let it coul. Step 2 Slice your kiwi in half and peel the half you're using. Step 3 Thinly slice your strawberry and peeled kiwi. Step 4 Add slices to your jug/carafe/mason jar, whatever you'd like to keep your infused water in. Step 5 Fill the container with water, cover, and leave in the fridge overnight. In the morning, your water will be nice and tasty! Step 6 Note: If no Strawberry is available, no problem, go ahead with the Kiwi.

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Strawberry And Kiwi Infused Water - BY KHYATI RUPANI

10 FEB 2018


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