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Herbed Dalia Dal Pulao


Energy (kcal) - 236

Protein (g) - 7.6

Carbohydrate (g) - 38

Fat (g) - 6

Khyati's Health-O-Meter Says:

When it comes to healthy eating, this power-packed complex carbohydrate cracked/broken wheat or dalia is one of the best. It plays a great contribution in controlling one's body weight. It contains virtually no fats and also free from saturated and trans fatty acids. Not only does it give an appealing taste, but also adds to the crunchiness when eaten. Adding moong dal to it will improve the quality of protein.


  • Moong dal - 2 tbsp
  • Dalia - 30 g
  • Vegetable broth/ plain water - 1 cup 
  • Oil - 1 tsp
  • Chopped vegetables - Onion and yellow peppers - 1 cup
  • Chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley - 1 tbsp
  • Chopped fresh basil leaves - 1 tbsp
  • Lemon juice - squeeze as per taste
  • Salt - as per taste
  • Pepper - as per taste

Step 1 In a pan, add dalia, boiled dal, and vegetable broth.  Step 2 Reduce heat and simmer until most liquid is dissulved and dalia is tender about 13 to15 minutes. Remove from heat and fluff with a fork. Step 3 Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add onions and cook, stirring, until tender, about 5 minutes.  Step 4 Add peppers and cook until peppers are tender another 5 minutes.  Step 5 Add the onion mixture to dalia-dal mixture. Stir in parsley, basil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper and toss to incorporate.
Recipe Category:
Cereals And Grains
Recipe Title:

Herbed Dalia Dal Pulao

Recipe Views:
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Recipe Kcal:








Health-O-Meter Says:

When it comes to healthy eating, this power-packed complex carbohydrate cracked/broken wheat or dalia is one of the best. It plays a great contribution in controlling one's body weight. It contains virtually no fats and also free from saturated and trans fatty acids. Not only does it give an appealing taste, but also adds to the crunchiness when eaten. Adding moong dal to it will improve the quality of protein.


  • Moong dal - 2 tbsp
  • Dalia - 30 g
  • Vegetable broth/ plain water - 1 cup 
  • Oil - 1 tsp
  • Chopped vegetables - Onion and yellow peppers - 1 cup
  • Chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley - 1 tbsp
  • Chopped fresh basil leaves - 1 tbsp
  • Lemon juice - squeeze as per taste
  • Salt - as per taste
  • Pepper - as per taste

Step 1 In a pan, add dalia, boiled dal, and vegetable broth.  Step 2 Reduce heat and simmer until most liquid is dissulved and dalia is tender about 13 to15 minutes. Remove from heat and fluff with a fork. Step 3 Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add onions and cook, stirring, until tender, about 5 minutes.  Step 4 Add peppers and cook until peppers are tender another 5 minutes.  Step 5 Add the onion mixture to dalia-dal mixture. Stir in parsley, basil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper and toss to incorporate.
Recipe Title: Herbed Dalia Dal Pulao
Recipe Category: Cereals And Grains
Recipe Views: 535
Recipe Type: Veg
Recipe Kcal:

Energy 236 (kcal), Protein 7.6 (g), Carbohydrate 38 (g), fat 6 (g).

Health-O-Meter Says:

When it comes to healthy eating, this power-packed complex carbohydrate cracked/broken wheat or dalia is one of the best. It plays a great contribution in controlling one's body weight. It contains virtually no fats and also free from saturated and trans fatty acids. Not only does it give an appealing taste, but also adds to the crunchiness when eaten. Adding moong dal to it will improve the quality of protein.


  • Moong dal - 2 tbsp
  • Dalia - 30 g
  • Vegetable broth/ plain water - 1 cup 
  • Oil - 1 tsp
  • Chopped vegetables - Onion and yellow peppers - 1 cup
  • Chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley - 1 tbsp
  • Chopped fresh basil leaves - 1 tbsp
  • Lemon juice - squeeze as per taste
  • Salt - as per taste
  • Pepper - as per taste

Step 1 In a pan, add dalia, boiled dal, and vegetable broth.  Step 2 Reduce heat and simmer until most liquid is dissulved and dalia is tender about 13 to15 minutes. Remove from heat and fluff with a fork. Step 3 Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add onions and cook, stirring, until tender, about 5 minutes.  Step 4 Add peppers and cook until peppers are tender another 5 minutes.  Step 5 Add the onion mixture to dalia-dal mixture. Stir in parsley, basil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper and toss to incorporate.

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Herbed Dalia Dal Pulao - BY KHYATI RUPANI

10 FEB 2018


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