Greek yogurt and quinoa bowl is a perfect blend of good quality proteins and carbohydrates. Chia seeds are a high source of dietary fiber and omega-3 which helps reduce LDL cholesterol and helps maintain a healthy heart.
Greek yogurt and quinoa bowl is a perfect blend of good quality proteins and carbohydrates. Chia seeds are a high source of dietary fiber and omega-3 which helps reduce LDL cholesterol and helps maintain a healthy heart.
Energy 225 (kcal), Protein 9 (g), Carbohydrate 26.5 (g), fat 10.2 (g).
Greek yogurt and quinoa bowl is a perfect blend of good quality proteins and carbohydrates. Chia seeds are a high source of dietary fiber and omega-3 which helps reduce LDL cholesterol and helps maintain a healthy heart.
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Greek Yogurt And Quinoa Bowl - BY KHYATI RUPANI