This recipe is packed with generous amount of nutrients.It is an easily digestible and baby friendly recipe as it is very delicious due to the addition of dates/ prunes and apple juice. Oats complement this recipe because of its high soluble fiber content which makes this recipe easily digestible.
This recipe is packed with generous amount of nutrients.It is an easily digestible and baby friendly recipe as it is very delicious due to the addition of dates/ prunes and apple juice. Oats complement this recipe because of its high soluble fiber content which makes this recipe easily digestible.
Energy 102 (kcal), Protein 1.1 (g), Carbohydrate 13.7 (g), fat 1.5 (g).
This recipe is packed with generous amount of nutrients.It is an easily digestible and baby friendly recipe as it is very delicious due to the addition of dates/ prunes and apple juice. Oats complement this recipe because of its high soluble fiber content which makes this recipe easily digestible.
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Fruit Porridge - BY KHYATI RUPANI