An easy to prepare recipe which can be made in different styles by adding & subtracting some food items. Egg whites are low in calories & are also rich in good quality proteins, essential amino acids. You don't have to be stingy when eating egg whites to meet your proteins requirement. Multigrain bread is a good source of complex CHO, B vitamins & also provide fullness because of its high fiber content. Easy to prepare & relish.
An easy to prepare recipe which can be made in different styles by adding & subtracting some food items. Egg whites are low in calories & are also rich in good quality proteins, essential amino acids. You don't have to be stingy when eating egg whites to meet your proteins requirement. Multigrain bread is a good source of complex CHO, B vitamins & also provide fullness because of its high fiber content. Easy to prepare & relish.
Energy 192 (kcal), Protein 10.5 (g), Carbohydrate 25 (g), fat 3 (g).
An easy to prepare recipe which can be made in different styles by adding & subtracting some food items. Egg whites are low in calories & are also rich in good quality proteins, essential amino acids. You don't have to be stingy when eating egg whites to meet your proteins requirement. Multigrain bread is a good source of complex CHO, B vitamins & also provide fullness because of its high fiber content. Easy to prepare & relish.
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Egg White Omelette Sandwich (easy To Prepare) - BY KHYATI RUPANI