With good food, you can glow from within!
Being a part of Balance Nutrition, most of us know the importance of good health. The next step is to make sure it shows!
The following foods will help you achieve that!
Enriched with ample amounts of protein, calcium, vitamins, & probiotics, there's no doubt yoghurt provides good benefits to your insides. However, it also does great beauty wonders on your outsides, especially for your skin. Yoghurt is also rich in zinc which holds anti-inflammatory properties & helps in reducing red swellings caused by acne or rashes. It is necessary for cell reproduction & the growth of tissues. Calcium contains antioxidants that help prevent & heal dry skin. It also facilitates skin renewal. Vitamin B in yoghurt keeps the skin glowing & hydrated & helps in detoxifying the skin.
Pomegranates possess anti-ageing properties along with boosting your immune system, thus, rejuvenating your skin both internally & externally. Pomegranate juice is beneficial for damaged skin as a result of sunlight exposure or ageing. The oil from pomegranate seeds helps to reduce & delay wrinkles. This fruit repairs skin damage to provide you with smooth & youthful skin.
Apart from filling your hunger gap, walnuts are also used as one of the beauty secrets. Walnuts are the powerhouse of omega-3 fatty acids that help to lock in moisture & nutrients inside the skin layers, making it plump & glowing. Furthermore, healthy fats in walnuts reduce skin inflammation & protect the skin against harmful UV rays. Vitamin E found in walnuts makes the skin smooth & glowing as well as accelerates healing.
The high antioxidant content in bell pepper helps in reversing the signs of ageing. They are a great way of reducing wrinkles. Antioxidants fight against the free radicals that cause damage to the cells, making your skin supple & beautiful.
From regular fever to some of the deadliest & most fatal bacterial & viral infections, Tulsi is backed with medicinal properties which help the body fight against fever or some of the fatal bacterial & viral infections. Apart from this, Tulsi also has many benefits, out of which is, beautiful skin. It acts as a detoxifying, cleansing & purifying agent. Consuming 4-5 Tulsi leaves daily helps relieve stress, strengthen immunity & facilitate proper digestion, since, the path to glowing skin is through the stomach.
A holistic intake of sunflower seeds adds glow to the skin. It protects against UV rays & maintains the youth & beauty of the skin. Sunflower seeds are a large source of copper which produces melanin that gives skin its colour. The nutrient content existent in these seeds minimizes scarring & the appearance of wrinkles & fine lines. Fatty acids like palmitic, oleic & linoleic acid boost the formation of collagen & elastin, thus, generating soft & supple skin.