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Habits that prevent weight loss: SKIPPING MEALS Skipping or avoiding a meal is an ignorant practice conducted intentionally or unintentionally. It has become a basic ideology for many ...Read More
15 Jun 2017
VIEWS 4020
Hey, Party season is here!!! With all the lip-smacking delicacies & mouth-watering gourmets spread out during this party season. No party meal is complete without accompanyi ...Read More
12 Aug 2015
VIEWS 3255
December is the month of celebration & parties but also it tends to be a time where we consume high fat & high-calorie food. Here is a smart guide to making sure we take off the ...Read More
12 Aug 2015
VIEWS 9851
During the wedding season, we all desire to look our best. However, it often happens that after attending a few functions, we unintentionally engage in "mindless eating," resulting ...Read More
20 Aug 2015
VIEWS 4728
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