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Exploring The Joys Of Mango In Summer

24 Aug 2015

Mango, also called as "king of fruits" is one of the nutritionally rich fruits with unique flavour, fragrance, & taste, & thus promoting health benefits to humans. It is also called a super fruit. Mango is one of the delicious tropical seasonal fruit & believed to be originated in the sub-Himalayan plains of the Indian subcontinent.

Botanically, this exotic fruit belongs to the family Anacardiaceae & is also called Mangifera indica.

Variety There are almost 500-1000 varieties of different mangoes in India. This huge variety not only differs in shape, size & colour but also in its taste. Alphonso, Badami, Langada, Mallika, Dussehri, Baiganapalli are some of the varieties available in India. --


Mango Fruit Benefits:

  • Mango fruit is rich in dietary fibre, vitamins, minerals & polyphenolic flavonoid antioxidant compounds.

  • It is an excellent source of vitamin- A & potassium.

  • Mango is also a good source of folate which will help in the purification of the blood & production of RBCs.

  • The antioxidant compounds in mango fruit have been found to protect against colon, breast, & Leukemia cancers.

  • The high levels of fibre, pectin & vitamin C help to lower serum cholesterol levels, specifically LDL (Low-Density Lipoproteins).

  • Mango leaves help normalize insulin levels in the blood. The traditional home remedy involves boiling leaves in water, soaking them through the night & then consuming the filtered decoction in the morning.

  • Boosts immune system.

  • The fiber in mangoes improves digestion & elimination of toxins from the body.

  • The fiber, potassium & vitamin content in mangoes helps to ward off the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

  • Mango juice helps to prevent heat stroke.

  • The malic acid, & tartaric acid in the mango help in alkalizing the body.

  • Mangoes are also good for your skin & hair because they contain vitamin A, a nutrient required for sebum production that keeps hair moisturized.

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GOOD OR BAD - The Dietician's Take

A lot of people have apprehensions about whether to have a mango during dieting or not to consume. Mango is very nutritious providing all the essential vitamins & minerals. It has a low Glycemic index of about 41-60.

Consume whole mango as a fruit & not in any other forms such as juices, milkshakes, smoothies, amras, phirni, & mango with ice cream.


Can a diabetic person consume mango?

A diabetic need not avoid mangoes completely. After all the fruit contains various important minerals & vitamins that are important for one's health. Packed with vitamin A, minerals & fiber, mangoes should be eaten purely for their health benefits.

The only thing a diabetic should remember is that moderation is the key. Being a diabetic you can choose to have one small mango in the morning or mid-morning without much contemplation.


Healthy Mango Recipes:


  • Mango (peeled & sliced) - 1
  • Lemon - 1


 Step 1   Cut the fruit into the desired shape.

 Step 2   Squeeze the lemon onto the mango & serve.

KHYATI'S HEALTH-O-METER Mango & lemon, both have detoxifying & antioxidant properties, are a great way to help cleanse one's digestive system & will keep you refreshed & hydrated throughout the day.




  • Fresh or frozen mango- 1
  • Ginger- an inch 


 Step 1   Peel the ginger & cut it into three or four slices.

 Step 2   Drop into a pitcher, add your cup of cubed or sliced mango & then top with about three cups of ice before filling with purified water.

 Step 3   This needs to sit in the fridge for about three hours to allow the flavours to come out.

KHYATI'S HEALTH-O-METER Ginger & mango are both great for boosting your metabolism & ginger is a natural pain reliever as well. Mango aids in digestion & can help to flush a number of free radicals out of your body. - - 




  • Diced mangoes- 1 cup
  • Chopped coriander- ¼ th cup
  • Diced radishes- 1 cup
  • Lime juice- 1 tbsp
  • Salt- a pinch 


  1. Toss mangoes, cilantro, lime juice & salt in a bowl.
  2. Stir in radishes just before serving. 

 Step 1   Toss mangoes, cilantro, lime juice & salt in a bowl.

 Step 2   Stir in radishes just before serving.

KHYATI'S HEALTH-O-METER Crisp, peppery diced radishes & sweet, juicy mango & tart lime juice have opposing flavours that come together here to create salsa. Radish is relatively low in calories & hence will help in weight loss. You can serve it with grilled fish or chicken. - -




  • Cabbage (finely chopped) - 25 gms
  • Mango- 1
  • Fresh coriander leaves- 1 tbsp
  • Apple cider vinegar- 1 tsp
  • Salt- a pinch 


 Step 1   To the shredded cabbage, add the diced mango pieces, coriander & toss with apple cider vinegar & salt.

KHYATI'S HEALTH-O-METER Cabbage is one of the most miraculous foods. It is a wonderful digestive tract healer, & can even heal & cure ulcers. It can do wonders for the kidneys, & also possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which is great for those suffering from conditions like arthritis. Apple cider vinegar has lots of health benefits & will help in weight loss.




  • Black beans- 25 gms
  • Mango- ½
  • Small onion- 1
  • Freshly chopped coriander 1 tbsp
  • Apple cider vinegar- 1 tsp
  • Olive oil- ½ tsp
  • Salt - to taste
  • black pepper- a pinch 


 Step 1   Whisk the olive oil, vinegar, & coriander together in a large bowl until blended.

 Step 2   Season lightly with salt & pepper.

 Step 3   Add the beans, mango & onion & toss gently in the bowl.

KHYATI'S HEALTH-O-METER Black beans are very high in fiber & protein, & rich with vitamins & minerals & also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which is considered a "good" form of cholesterol. They are also a good source of folic acid. Tropical flavours of mango & citrus complement the black beans in this colourful salad.




  • Mango pieces - 2-3
  • Coconut Water -100 ml
  • Ginger juice - ½ tsp 


 Step 1   Combine the mango pieces, coconut water, & ginger juice in a cocktail shaker or mason jar filled with ice.

 Step 2   Shake well, & taste.

 Step 3   Fill small, chilled glasses with lots of ice cubes, & razor-thin slices of lime.

 Step 4   Pour the mango coconut water into the prepared glasses, & finish with an extra squeeze.

KHYATI'S HEALTH 'O' METER SAYS:- Coconut water is a very refreshing drink to beat tropical summer thirst. Its liquid is packed with simple sugars, electrolytes, & minerals to replenish dehydration conditions inside the human body. Mangoes are considered to be an extremely good food choice for dieters because it has high fiber content. The nutrients contained in mango juice include significant sources of vitamin A & vitamin C.


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