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Diet in Constipation

22 Aug 2015

Constipation is a common symptom when you are on weight loss program, as you are on high-fiber, low-fat diet. When you are losing weight you tend to eat less calories than your body requires, or burn more calories via various physical activities, rather than storing these extra calories as body fat. At such condition, it is crucial to follow some strict guidelines mentioned below, which will provide the best treatment for constipation.

How to Cure Constipation:-

  • Drink at least 12-15 glasses of water every day to keep your body hydrated & improve your bowel movement.
  • Include 2 dates with 1 glass of warm water for bedtime.
  • 4-5 black raisins soaked in water for 5-6 hours or soak them overnight & have it in the morning empty stomach.
  • 2 slices of papaya with 1 glass of warm water at bedtime.
  • ½ tbsp. flax seeds powder with 2 tbsp curd [consume on any three days of a week]
  • 2nd week - 1 tbsp flax seeds powder with 2 tbsp curd [on any 3 days of the week]
  • 3rd week - 1 tbsp flax seeds powder with 2 tbsp curd on any 2 days of the week at bedtime.
  • 2 figs with 1 glass of warm water at bedtime.
  • 1 tsp isabgol with 1 glass of water at bedtime.
  • 1 tsp kayam churan with 1 glass of water at bedtime.
  • 2 tablets Triphala with 1 glass of water at bedtime.
  • 30 ml aloe vera juice with 1 glass of water at bedtime.

We may all feel our weight is not going down at times during the program most of the time it is constipation that leads to pseudo weight gain / no weight loss.


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